Shreyas Srinivasa, Ph.D.
Hi! I am a Security Researcher at the Cybersecurity Research Group at Aalborg University, Denmark.
I completed my Ph.D. from Aalborg University, Denmark in June 2023. My topics of interest include Cyber Deception, Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI), and Internet Security Measurements. My Ph.D. was supervised by Dr. Jens Myrup Pedersen and Dr. Emmanouil Vasilomanolakis.
I work primarily with honeypots to gather the threat landscape and understand attacker behavior. Other than honeypots, I periodically scan the Internet to find gaps in the deployment and configuration of systems. I believe that most security incidents are caused either due to improper security testing or misconfigured deployments. My current interest revolves around AI-assisted Threat Intelligence where I try to apply AI methodologies to find relationships between threats and threat actors to find patterns in attack behavior sourced from large honeypot datasets. I also work on developing/studying counter cyber-deception techniques to understand how malware evade deception-based environments.
I was fortunate to work under the guidance of Dr. Alice Hutchings and Dr. Richard Clayton as a visiting researcher at the Cambridge Cybercrime Center at the University of Cambridge between January - April 2022.
I also try to contribute to opensource-projects (GSoC), mostly related to honeypots and system fingerprinting. If my work interests you or you would like to collaborate, please feel free to contact me!
My Ph.D. was funded by COM3, an Interreg project supported by the North Sea Programme of the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union.
24-06-2023 Our paper “An Analysis of War Impact on Ukrainian Critical Infrastructure through Network Measurements” was accepted and presented at the Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA 2023)
13-09-2022 Final Submission to GSoC2022 is complete - RIoTPot (A Shapeshifting honeypot)
02-09-2022 Our paper “Interaction Matters: a comprehensive analysis and a dataset of hybrid IoT/OT honeypots” is accepted at ACSAC 2022